Monday, October 1, 2007

Peek-A-Boo, I See You!

“All that Glitters” & "Drama Quenn"strapz, $21.95 each available at

The hot peep toe heels that don’t hurt your feet. Check. The lip gloss that matches your finger nails perfectly. Check. The designer dress that you got half price in the sale. Double Check. So now why people, after going to such great lengths to look so fabulous would you let your ugly bra straps show? Even if your straps aren’t that ugly, they aren’t supposed to make cameo appearances throughout the night. Go braless you say? For some of us that simply isn’t an option! Well, finally there’s a solution. Peek-A-Boo Strapz, founded by Piper Miller and Fantasy Buckman, is a newly launched company that offers cute and chic bra straps for convertible or strapless bras. Simply attach them to your bra to spice up any outfit. Below Piper gives us her five bra strap sins…

Piper’s Top 5 Bra faux-pas:

1. Not wearing a bra when you need to – Not all of us were born with gravity defying breasts. It’s ok. Wear a bra.
2. Clear straps – You're not fooling anyone! In fact, you are actually drawing attention to your bra strap dilemma.
3. Letting ugly, tacky bra straps show – What did we ever do to you? Cover those bad boys up STAT!
4. Headlights, visible nipples – Nuff said.
5. Pushing your bra straps over only to have them fall down your arm – Highly annoying and very damaging to your style quotient.

If you suffer from any of the above conditions visit to see the designs available and get shopping. If we band together we can make unsightly bra straps a thing of the past. Next challenge? Visible g-strings!
"Drama Queen" strapz, $21.95; "All that Glitters" strapz $21.95 both available at

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