Monday, September 12, 2011

Has Your Charm Almost Faded & Your Boyfriend is Losing Interest

No matter how good your relationship with your boyfriend has been, there usually comes a phase when the charm of it seems to fade. It might sound difficult to enliven a dying relation but it is certainly not impossible. Yearning to get back to the good old days and longing to rekindle the past flame is nothing but natural. Follow some of the steps stated below to bring your lost love back into your life.
Patience is the key to success: Do not jump into conclusions rather have patience. This will enable you to have time to rethink about certain important factors like do you really want him back, or is he worth your effort to reconcile. Time and space is significant for both of you to realize how much you need each other.
Stay beautiful and as fresh as ever: Do not let the break up take a toll on your appearance. Rather keep it as fresh as possibly, change your hair style, do a make over, smell good and appealing and have focus on your wardrobe.

Rekindle old memories and create some new ones as well: Try going back to places you often visited and loved being together, do things which you both enjoyed doing, share a little longer talk over cups of coffee or fight over a single ice cream. But again never forget to incorporate new things as well like going to places like bowling, or watching a live cricket match in a stadium etc.
Improvise your skills and knowledge: Spend time on rebuilding yourself. Take up new hobbies which might interest him like photography, rock climbing, scuba diving, swimming. So that the next time he ventures out for a weekend getaway, you may accompany and surprise him with your newly adopted talents.
Keep smiling and be fun loving: No matter how sad and depressed you are from within do not ventilate it. Keep the sunny side up, be optimistic and create jolly good moments again. Guys hate to see a girl who is brooding over the past bitter experiences. Try and relate to good old days and make him realize how nice it feels to have him back. Make him realize the emptiness that his absence created and how happy as a couple you both are to be back.

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